Sunday 4 December 2011

Camera Animation

To create the camera movement animation techniques I first created a free camera onto the scene that I wanted to record the animation. Using a free camera allowed me to use the camera with more flexibility than with a target camera.

To move the camera around the scene to create different screen shots I used the move tool when in perspective viewing mode and the rotation tool. At times this was much easier than using the tools within the camera viewing mode itself.

When viewing the scene through the camera to create minor adjustments it was better to use the movement and zoom tools within camera mode.

The entire camera’s featured and used within the animation, all used a standard lens as I thought that the standard lens was most suitable for all the animation procedures.

To begin using the camera to capture the animations I had to create key frames on the timeline using a combination of the auto key frames and manual key frames, this is because using auto key frames would sometimes make the camera move in ways that weren’t necessary. Moving the camera through each of the key frames allowed the camera to flow through the scene and capture what I needed to render.

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